The top image shows the press as it was when I got it. Covered with paint splotches but essentially intact. I used huge threaded pipes from the hardware store for the turning arms which I covered with good old duct tape. (See the second photo). I am using MDF for the bed until I get something better. I got wooden doll heads from Michaels for the handles (painted black) and for the knobs at the end of the tension adjuster rods which I cut out of plain metal rods.
The gears really make it so much easier to turn than my old direct drive press. I think my "Precious Monster" is looking pretty good now!! Another story would be how I tried in vain to take the press apart to carry upstairs and managed in the process to drop the press on my finger turning it into a pulpy mess. I recovered but have a new respect for PM.
You did a great job with this press. I am looking for a small etching press to print copper engravings - perhaps I should look out for a "project" as well.
Terrific print - it just screams, "I had so much fun doing this!!" All of our prints should be this successful.
I forgot to mention that we used something I believe that was called "soft cut" so the cutting was very fast and easy and truly like drawing with the gouge. So, yep, I did "have so much fun doing this"!
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